Dust Collectors
The entire broad line of cartridge dust collectors from Airflow Systems is available from Alpha Industrial Supply. Because of innovative engineering and attention to detail, these high-quality collectors offer exceptional reliability and cost-effective operation. In addition, all our dust collectors are designed for easy maintenance.
The broad pleats of the Airflow Systems cartridge filters provide extra-large dust capacity, resulting in longer collection cycles before filter cleaning is required. Moreover, the self-cleaning filters utilize high-powered Vibra-Pulse® Cleaning in which the random-motion impactor hose knocks the dirt out from deep within the pleats, returning the filters to their original dust-holding capacity and keeping them performing at their top efficiency.
The longer collection cycles and more thorough filter cleaning of our cartridge dust collectors results in longer filter life, lower maintenance, and lower cost of operation.
The Airflow Systems high-volume, high-efficiency design is available in many configurations. See descriptions below of our free-standing ducted collectors, portable dust collectors, backdraft / downdraft dust control booths, downdraft tables, free-hanging cartridge collectors, and high-vacuum units. (Suggest categories in blue be made links that jump to the specific place on the page.) Many of the collectors are also available in stainless steel construction for special applications within the food processing, pharmaceutical, and chemical industries.
- Ducted Collectors: Our fully self-contained units in the DC Dust Collector series range from 1-18 cartridges, 1-10 hp, from 650 to 6900 CFM, collecting and filtering high volumes of contaminants from all kinds of manufacturing and processing operations. The top inlet design provides for less ductwork and lower installation cost.
Airflow Systems cartridge dust collectors collect a broad range of contaminants, from composite and fiberglass dust to solder and welding smoke to dry chemicals, powders, and wood dust. - Portable Dust Collectors: Since the Airflow Systems PCH series first came out, it set a new standard in the industry, with other manufacturers copying its innovative and outstanding features. Our widely-used PCH portable unit has a low-profile cabinet for outstanding stability for maneuverability and arm positioning. The patented E-Z Arm® High Flow Extractor is easy to position and stays in its place once positioned. The extra-long power cord maximizes availability, and the exceptional Vibra-Pulse® self-cleaning system works with an easy push-button operation. With up to 1600 CFM capture velocity, the powerful PCH dust collector packs in all the features that make it the industry-leading portable.
- Dust Control Booths: The PowerBooth™ is a completely self-contained backdraft unit that can stand alone or be combined in a modular, expandable dust collection booth, complete with dust-resistant lighting and optional re-gain air. With its small footprint, the compact PowerBooth™ provides the efficiency and exceptional filter cleaning featured by all Airflow Systems cartridge dust collectors, and is suitable for grinding, sanding, welding, or brazing.
- Downdraft Tables: Alpha Industrial Supply offers both ducted tables for integration into a central dust collection system, as well as our popular, fully self-contained downdraft tables with self-cleaning cartridges and removable dust collection pans for simplified maintenance. Our DTH series of downdraft tables ranges in downdraft velocity from 122 to 250 FPM, in HP from 1-5, and in table size from 32"x24" to 66"x42". Our AL Series of downdraft tables meets NFPA 651 for processing and finishing aluminum when properly used and maintained.
- Free-Hanging Cartridge Collectors: For heavy-duty ambient filtration, the Airflow Systems TC-4 provides efficient, economical collection of airborne pollutants, from shop dust to dry chemicals to welding smoke. These extra-duty free-hanging collectors are complete self-contained filtration units, with the powerful Vibra-PulseŽ self-cleaning cartridge filter system.
- High-Vacuum Units: Our industrial vacuum V Series from Airflow Systems are high-powered collectors designed for source capture of contaminants from multiple workstations. Flow capacities up to 510 CFM provide sufficient power for long cable systems associated with MIG welding, finish grinding, and soldering.